Have you ever considered making your home safer from water damage? Well, one great way to do that is by waterproofing your metal roof. There are many benefits to metal roof waterproofing like dodging leaks, blisters, and mold issues.
Plus, this makes your home look better, adds value, and stops the spread of illnesses like lung infections. It also helps to keep the inside cooler during the hot summer months.
If you’re new to the idea and wondering how waterproofing your metal roof can help, you’re in the right place. Stick around, and I’ll explain all the benefits you’ll enjoy by waterproofing your roof. Let’s Begin!
10 Benefits of Metal Roof Waterproofing in Singapore!
Every 5 to 10 years, it is vital for the homeowner to waterproof their metal roofs. Due to bad weather and outside exposure, the roof can get spoiled. Let me share the reasons for waterproofing membranes to protect your metal roof:
1. Get Rid of Leakage
Waterproofing your metal roof can help your home never face issues like leakage. It keeps your home safe and comfy while ensuring you protect your stuff.
When it rains, the water sits on your roof. If there are holes or cracks, this water can leak into your home and ruin your stuff. In that case, waterproofing can seal your metal roof tightly so rainwater can’t get in and wreck your things.
And, wind can push rain hard against your roof and so does the rain. To help you in this, waterproofing acts like a shield. It keeps rain from sneaking in through places like chimneys and vents.
2. Avoid Water Damage
Metal roof waterproofing helps a lot to keep your roof safe from moisture issues. If your roof continuously meets moisture, it can harm the surface deeply, ruining the inner texture of your roof. Things like humidity and condensation usually cause this.
When it’s warm, the wet air from inside your house meets the cold metal surface on a chilly day. And, this can cause water to form. Without waterproofing, this water can sneak into the metal, causing issues like rust and corrosion.
These bugs can make your roof weaker and not last as long. If water sticks around on the metal for too long, it can seep into tiny holes and cracks, making the damage worse.
And guess what? Fixing this damage will cost a lot, especially for metal roofs. And if your house has skylights, repairing the roof will be pricier as you may need to take down the whole roof to do it.
So, by making sure your metal roof is waterproof, you’re protecting it from moisture issues and saving yourself from costly repairs down the road.
3. No Installation Bugs
A lot of times it is vital for homeowners to make changes to the roof by adding new fixtures like vent pipes, plumbing stacks, chimneys, and so on.
It can be for adding value or looks! But, you need to waterproof the roof before installing the stuff as the plumbing gears can leak. That way it will leave water on the roof and cause long-term damage.
This can mess with your gutters, making them overflow and flood your home and foundation. Waterproofing your metal roof also helps keep everything dry and safe.
4. Say Goodbye to Blisters and Bubbles
Another good point of waterproofing metal roofs is to never face the issue of blisters or bubbles on the surface. It’s a little bubble in the asphalt that appears when the gas, air, and water are trapped in the shingles.
If the metal roof isn’t waterproof properly, it’ll cause bubbles to break open making the surface fragile. This gets worse as the surface starts to absorb the water and can fall off.
And, it will cause more damage to the roof and even let water seep into the building. And, fixing this would be expensive.
5. Improve the Look of Your Roof
Waterproofing a roof makes it look beautiful and tidy from the outside view. It also helps keep the inside of the building clean.
When you waterproof your metal roof via an expert, it hides any damage like dents or cracks from the old roof. In other words, your roof will look amazing with no flaws. It also makes your home look great from the outside, leaving a good impression.
6. Prevent One from Lung Disease
Asbestos is a substance that can be harmful if you breathe in. It’s because the tiny fibers can go deep into your lungs and cause serious health issues like lung diseases and cancer.
When you waterproof your metal roof, you’re putting a barrier that stops any asbestos fibers from getting loose and floating in the air.
This means that when you do things like fixing or cleaning the roof, you’re less likely to breathe in those harmful fibers. Also, waterproofing helps to fix any cracks or holes in the roof, so there’s even less chance of asbestos fibers escaping.
But, you’ll need the help of an expert to waterproof a metal roof with asbestos who has experience in the field like Allseal Waterproofing.
7. Make Your Home Cool from the Inside
Ever wondered how some houses have cool interiors with no heat waves? It’s mostly because the roof is waterproofed even if the weather is above 31°C.
If you waterproof the metal roof in summer, it’ll make the building cooler inside by reflecting the sunlight. As Singapore has high temperatures in the summer, this can help you keep your house cool and save bucks on AC usage.
8. Keeping Away Mold and Mildew
You can easily get rid of mold and mildew issues that grow on the roof often if it isn’t protected from water. Waterproofing the metal roof can benefit your home with no issue of these kinds of fungal germs.
Plus, these gross things can make you and your family sick from illnesses. Plus, you don’t have to worry about the damage to your home. Waterproofing helps keep things dry, so mold and mildew can’t take hold and cause problems.
9. Adds Value to the Home
When a building has a waterproofed roof, it’s worth more money because it’s in better shape. So, besides keeping your roof looking great and not dealing with water issues, waterproofing can also make your home more valuable.
If you ever want to sell it in the future or would like to rent, this tiny action of preventing water from coming inside permanently will help a lot.
10. Other Benefits
Apart from the above good sides, waterproofing the metal roof can also bring some other plus points to you as an owner of the house. Here’s the details:
- Lasts a Long Time: Waterproofing helps metal roofs stay strong and not get rusty or damaged by water. This means they don’t need to be changed as often.
- No Water Pollution: When roofs leak, water can carry harmful stuff into the environment. Waterproofing stops that from happening and keeps the roof clean.
- Handles Rain Better: A waterproof roof makes sure rainwater goes where it should. It helps your roof to get rid of water overflow when it rains harder.
- Can Be Recycled: Experts usually use different coatings, sealants, tiles, and so on to waterproof the metal roof. The materials are recyclable and can be used again when they’re no longer needed.
Wrapping Up
You know how waterproofing a metal roof is beneficial to protect it from water in harsh weather. So, be sure to waterproof it as soon as possible and get rid of all the water-related issues.
Even if your metal roof is strong, it can still get damaged by lots of rain or extreme weather like heavy rain, hot sun, or cold temperatures. To protect it, get a professional to waterproof it soon.
Hope you find this guide helpful in knowing the good sides of metal roof waterproofing. Good Luck!